International activity

"Dialogues in Russian" - This is the name of the international fair of socio-cultural projects, which will be held on December 7 in two countries at the same time

  • 1 December 2021, 11:02
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1323

Khujand State University named after academician Bobodzhon Gafurov (Tajikistan, Khujand) will be the offline venue of the fair. The Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after V.I. Abay (Kazakhstan, Almaty) will join in remotely.

Participants and spectators of the fair will be able to see and discuss presentations of 10 socio-cultural projects aimed at maintaining interest in the Russian language, Russian education and Russian culture in Russia and abroad. The authors of the projects are pedagogical workers and educational organizations of preschool, general, additional, vocational education, students and postgraduates of secondary and higher educational institutions, workers in the sphere of culture and cultural institutions of the CIS countries and European countries.

The fair is held with the support of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, its organizers are the Private Educational Institution of Additional Education "Center for Information Technologies in Education "Knowledge" (Russia, Kirov), Vyatka State University (Russia, Kirov), Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai (Kazakhstan, Almaty), Khujand State University named after academician Bobodzhon Gafurov (Tajikistan, Khujand).

The event is aimed at developing friendly ties between citizens of Russia, CIS countries and Western Europe. It is planned that the fair will bring together more than 500 participants


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